Thursday, February 02, 2006

Working Girl

On the way home from church last night, Kyra and I were chatting in the car. Somehow we got onto the topic of jobs and she made the declaration that she's not going to have a job because she's not a boy. I found that interesting, because I stay at home with her, but she knows my mom and sister both work and we've visited them at their respective jobs. She went on to say that when she grows up and becomes a boy then she'll get a job. I responded that she won't ever be a boy because God made her a little girl. She pondered this a moment, and I asked her if she would ever have a job. She said yes, that when she grew up to be an adult, her job would be to watch "adult Red Eye!" I couldn't help myself and busted out laughing. Can I have that job too?

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