Monday, February 06, 2006

Things we learn at the fair

Kyra did something the other day and I gave her the thumbs up sign and smiled at her. She smiled back and said "Thumbs up!" Then she put her thumb pointed toward the floor and said "Thumbs down." I laughed and asked her where she'd learned that, because I didn't even know she knew what those meant yet. She replied, "I don't know where I learned it. Probably at the fair one time." The fair? I've never taken her to the fair! I think she's been watching too much Charlotte's Web...the fair is a veritable shmorgasbord-orgasbord-orgasbord....

1 comment:

Aidan said...

And you get bonus points for an acceptable spelling of "shmorgasbord" and for repeating it 3 times. :)