Friday, January 28, 2005

Lyrical Stylings

Here are a couple of Kyra's most-rotated songs of late:

Ring Around the Rosie:

Wing A WaWa Wozee
Popta Fo A Posie
Azin da Azin
We Ah Fah Down!
This is followed by much giggles and usually another repetition.

And don't ask me what a "Popta Fo" is. I don't know. =)

The other is The Farmer in the Dell:
A Fahmah inna Deo
A Fahmah inna Deo
I no a day-e-o
A Fahmah inna Deo

A Fahmah takes a wife
A Fahmah takes a wife
I no a day-e-o
A Fahmah takes a wife

A Wipe takes a chy-ode (child)
A Wipe takes a chy-ode
I no a day-e-o
A Wipe takes a chy-ode

A dog takes a cat
A dog takes a cat
I no a day-e-o
A dog takes a cat

A cat takes a mouse
A cat takes a mouse
I no a day-e-o
A cat takes a mouse

Sometimes she inserts the mouse takes the cheese verse here, sometimes not.

Day all wun affa a mouse (they all run after the mouse...)
Day all wun affa a mouse
I no a day-e-o
Day all wun affa a mouse

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Just being polite....

We've tried from the very beginning to instill manners and politeness into Kyra. Apparently, it's working a little too well. She excuses herself whenever she bumps into anything, no matter if it's an inanimate object. Today, she was getting out of her seat in the car and as she scooted into the floor and turned to exit, she bumped into the seat with her arm. So she says, "Skooz me cawseat." Then later on, she ran into the coffee table as she was dancing around the living room. She got up and said, "Oh, skooz me tabo!" Hopefully this will translate into people skills somehow in the future. =)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Making Music

Kyra has been expressing interest in musical instruments recently. Her daddy plays his guitar frequently, and she'll go up to him and say "Daddy less pway insumments!" So he goes and gets his guitar and she goes and gets an old broken Beta 58 mic that Steven gave her a while back, and they sing songs together. We figured now would be a great time to introduce her to some instruments of her own. So I ended up getting her a nice set called Band in a Box. It has a hollow wooden rhythm fish with a stick, a tambourine, a harmonica, 2 egg shaker maracas, spoons that are attached to each other with a handle, and a kazoo. She totally loves it! So now her favorite "insumments" are her "woccas and her hambowee." (Maracas and tambourine.) =)

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Love and Marriage

I had just given Kyra a bath the other day and was combing her hair when she pointed to my left hand and said, "Dat's your wedding wing?" I said yes, that's my wedding ring. And she said, "Daddy has one too?" I said yes, Daddy has one too. She then pointed to her hand and said, "I have a wing too?" I replied that no, she didn't have one yet, but one day when she picks out a very special boy to marry, she'll have one too. I then told her that she would have to pick carefully and make sure that he loves her very much and loves God very much too. To this she replied, "I marry Uncle Shane?" It took all I had not to crack up, but I said that no, Uncle Shane was already married to Aunt Melissa. So then she asked if she could marry her Daddy. Again, I said no, Daddy is already married to Mommy. About this time, Daddy came in so he could enjoy the conversation as well and asked her what boy she thought she might marry. She thought for a minute and then said, "I marry Stanley.....and Spiderman." Ironic, as she never even watches these cartoons. So basically, she likes them either bald or climbing the walls..... =)