Friday, January 28, 2005

Lyrical Stylings

Here are a couple of Kyra's most-rotated songs of late:

Ring Around the Rosie:

Wing A WaWa Wozee
Popta Fo A Posie
Azin da Azin
We Ah Fah Down!
This is followed by much giggles and usually another repetition.

And don't ask me what a "Popta Fo" is. I don't know. =)

The other is The Farmer in the Dell:
A Fahmah inna Deo
A Fahmah inna Deo
I no a day-e-o
A Fahmah inna Deo

A Fahmah takes a wife
A Fahmah takes a wife
I no a day-e-o
A Fahmah takes a wife

A Wipe takes a chy-ode (child)
A Wipe takes a chy-ode
I no a day-e-o
A Wipe takes a chy-ode

A dog takes a cat
A dog takes a cat
I no a day-e-o
A dog takes a cat

A cat takes a mouse
A cat takes a mouse
I no a day-e-o
A cat takes a mouse

Sometimes she inserts the mouse takes the cheese verse here, sometimes not.

Day all wun affa a mouse (they all run after the mouse...)
Day all wun affa a mouse
I no a day-e-o
Day all wun affa a mouse

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