Monday, January 02, 2006

Everyone's a Critic

Steven and i were getting ready to go to a New Year's Day party at our minister's house this evening. I had worn my hair up in a ponytail all day, but had taken it down briefly to redo it after I touched up my makeup. Kyra came into the bathroom, took one look at me and said, Why is your hair out of the ponytail? I replied that I had taken it down but was going to put it back up in a few minutes. She surveyed my mussed hair and stated, You're not looking cute yet. Thanks, kiddo. =)


Aidan said...

Hehe. She's so funny!

What does she think of the new baby? (By the way, I think the new baby looks so cute!)

Nicole said...

Glad to hear (and read) that Kyra has taken to being a big sister well... love the stories!!! Maybe we should write a book together? Love ya and keep posting...