Thursday, March 08, 2007

Look it Up Online

I co-teach Kyra's Wednesday night class at church, and yesterday, she asked me what the story was going to be about that night. I told her the old quarter had ended last week and I hadn't gotten a new book yet for this quarter, so I didn't know. She then told me that maybe I could go to "" and maybe I could see the new book on there. I am a firm believer that you can find just about anything you would ever need on the internet, but that's probably one of the rare exceptions. And just in case you were wondering, yes, I admit it, I did look it up to see if anything was there. And no, it's not, so save yourself the trouble. =)


Arlene Kasselman said...

I'm thinking Ken could add a section to the website! This is great. Can't imagine where she hears the online talk.

kendanley said...

Go for it!