Monday, February 26, 2007

Reach Out and Touch Someone

Siana has formed her first sentence/request. Her favorite thing to play with, as you know, is my cell phone, which she calls a Faaaaaa. This is said Faaaaaaaa? like a Pterodactyl calling it's mate. It's quite funny sounding. But anyway, she talks to my mom, her Nana, and sometimes her Papa too, almost every day on the phone. A couple of days ago, she pointed and said, "Faaaaa?" I gave her the phone and she started saying, "Nananananana." She then added Papa a few times to her chant. And after a minute, she looked at me, held out the phone and repeated, "Nana Papa Faaaa? Nana Papa Faaaa?" until I called Nana and Papa on the Faaa for her and let her talk to them. It was very sweet. And of course, she's a genius for forming her first semi-complete sentence at 14 months. =)

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