Monday, December 04, 2006

Lavatory Lyrics

Kyra, as I've blogged about before, has a soundtrack backing her little adventures at all times. It has gotten pretty much constant. Not much time goes by without her singing a little ditty about whatever she's doing or something she saw and/or heard. This little trait of hers continues wherever she goes, and as proved by Sunday lunch, it even continues in the potty. *sigh* We were at a restaurant having lunch with some friends after church when Kyra announced that she needed to go to the bathroom. I took her in there, and as I papered the seat for her, we could hear the individual in the next stall start to make use of the facilities. So, my little songbird, as you might have already guessed starts to sing a little song about the fact that she can hear the lady next to us 'going.' It went a little something like this: "I hear peeing...I really hear peeing...." I had to stifle the deep hilarity about to erupt from my gut until we got back to the table, where it took about 10 minutes before anyone could understand what on earth I was saying through my laughter. I can only hope the poor lady next to us found the same amusement.

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