Monday, April 03, 2006


We just got back from playing with Kyra's friends Adley and Corbin a few minutes ago. We're now headed to the library and Kyra wanted to know if Adley and Corbin were going to the library too. I told her that they probably weren't because their mom was probably getting ready for the teenagers to come over tonight for Bible study (their dad is a youth minister at our church). She asked why the teenagers were going to go to their house. I told her that they were going to have a Bible study just like we used to do with the teenagers at our old house when her Daddy was a youth minister. She said, "Teenagers used to come to our house?" So I said yes. She then asked what their names were, so I told her a few of the kids who used to come over, some of whom she remembered. She then asked, "When they came over did they wear their teenager clothes?" I'm not sure where or why that question originated, but told her that yes, they did indeed wear their teenager clothes.

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