Monday, March 15, 2010


Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat has long been a favorite musical in our house. Well, now dreams are turning into reality as Steven and Kyra both have a part in that very musical that's being put on by our local community college. Kyra is a member of the children's choir, and Steven scored the ever so fabulous role of the Pharoah (Elvis impressions and platform shoes here he comes!). Siana and I are looking forward to seeing both of them on stage and enjoying the performance, but I am admittedly getting a little weary of the incessant soundtrack day in and day out, amusing as it may be. First thing I hear in the morning, and last thing I hear at night is Siana belting out some random Joseph tune at the absolute top of her lungs. This is usually accompanied by Kyra whining...Sissyyyyyy...I'm trying to sleeeeeeep! And then later on after school, Kyra will join in and it becomes an all out concert. I may have to post some video of's truly something to behold! So if any of you will be in our neck of the woods the first couple weeks of April, you'll definitely want to check it out!

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