Thursday, November 03, 2005

What's the Baby Saying?

Kyra's latest obsession is to incessantly ask what the baby is saying, which is rather difficult to say, seeing as she's not even born yet. Kyra will say something into my belly, then look up excitedly and ask what the baby said when she did that. This is not a one time consumes a large part of our day. It amuses me and makes me happy that she is so anxious to interact with her little sister, but it becomes increasingly difficult to be creative in my answers. Today, we had a mini-concert for the baby. Kyra has a kid's songbook with about 15 songs in it. She went page by page, singing each song to the baby, then putting her hand on my tummy and saying "What did the baby say about that song?" It was very sweet, and I just kept telling her the baby loved her song and was so happy that Kyra was singing to her. I think she's going to be a very sweet big sister..... =)

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