Thursday, November 04, 2010

Only Mostly Dead

Siana happened upon a tootsie roll sized piece of fuzz, which she promptly declared to be her new friend, and was playing with it on the kitchen counter as I made coffee this morning. All of a sudden, I hear a very tragic-sounding "Ohhhh dearrrrrr!" I glanced over and inquired as to what was wrong, and Siana showed me with mournful eyes her fuzz-friend in 2 distinct pieces. I asked, "Uh-oh...what happened?" Siana replied, "She died." "Oh," I said, returning to my coffee prep, as I was not yet fully possessed of my mental capacities that early in the morning and pre-caffeination. A few seconds later, she, with a bit more amusement in her voice, said, "Uh-oh!" I turned to look and saw that her now defunct fuzz-friend appeared to have been hit by some sort of bomb and had become many small pieces. I laughingly asked her how that had happened, and her reply was, "She died more."


Nicole said...

Cute:-) Siana sounds like a hoot!!!

mshane kuhn said...

Wow. i am constantly amazed at the Truth my daughter speaks into my Life (she's 5.73 years old). i would say that Siana's comment concisely encapsulates what happens in my own Life and the Lives of those around me on a daily basis....