Friday, September 29, 2006

Impressive Clergymen

As we watched the end of the Sound of Music this morning, we got to the part where Maria and Captain VonTrapp get married. In this segment, the priest who marries them looks remarkably like the Impressive Clergyman who marries Westley and Buttercup in the Princess Bride. He's wearing the white robe and the large pointy white and gold hat, and as he came into the picture, Kyra commented, "Huh...that's an interesting preacher." Yeah...I'd pay good money to see our preacher don that kind of a getup. =)

Friday, September 15, 2006

Circus Skills

Kyra to Mommy: "I'm not very good at flying trapeze in the circus because I don't know how."

What pants???

On a related note, the commercials in between shows on HGTV are also having an effect on Kyra. The most incessant commercials are for other HGTV shows, Countrywide home loans, NutriSystem, and Jenny Craig. A few Sundays back, Kyra asked if the day was Sunday. I responded that it was, and she very animatedly told me, "Design Therapy premieres tonight...Two shows, One hour, No charge!" I just stared at her. I couldn't believe she'd ingested that commercial enough to even know the byline of a show that she'd never seen. Also, you've probably seen the Jenny Craig commercials that currently feature Kirsty Alley. Well, yesterday morning as I was getting Kyra ready to go, I gave her some choices of attire and she countered with, "Or I could wear my 'fat pants.'" I asked her, "Did you just say fat pants???" She looked at me innocently and said yes. I then of course, asked her what fat pants were, and she said, "Oh that's just something I made up" and giggled because she obviously had no idea what that meant. Funny? Yes. Am I cracking up even now as I write this? Yes. But still, I think we just need to turn off the TV for a while, HG or not.

Design O.D.

I've blogged before about Kyra's love of HGTV...well I'm not sure, but it may be bordering on obsession at this point. She chose HGTV over cartoons the other day. Is that normal for a barely 4 year old? Of course, she's not necessarily the most normal of children anyway (see my previous posts about computer usage) but still.... She can name the hosts of almost every show and tell you which host corresponds to which show. She also never misses an episode of Design Star and frequently acts out the different competitors from that show. If her mid-day rest time interrupts a show that she's engrossed in, she insists that I record it on the DVR and then wants to know exactly when she'll be able to watch the rest of it. It's pretty funny, but definitely unusual. Is there such thing as too much HGTV?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kyra Quote of the Day

"I'm a lady now...I'm 15 years old!"

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Common Biters

As I was putting Kyra's pajamas on her, I noticed what looked like a bug bite on her. I examined it and said, "It looks like something bit you right there." Kyra replied, "Maybe it was crocodiles. Or Siana." Yeah, maybe.