Thursday, September 13, 2007

Heeheeheehee Wipe Out!

280 wipes to be exact. You know it's bad news when Siana comes running into the room exclaiming "meh! meh!" and pointing down the hall. I calmly replied, "Did you make a mess?" She giggled and said, "meh woom." Me: "Oh, you made a mess in your room?" Another giggle, and then "wahp." "You made a mess in your room with wipes?" Ok...doesn't sound too bad...maybe it got a little cleaner in the process? So I go to her room to investigate, and sure enough, she had discovered the gargantuan refill package of wipes next to her changing table, gotten it open, and painstakingly removed each and every one of them from the package. So much for "Works in your pop-up dispenser!"...nothing is going to be popping up out of that pile anytime soon. So I ever so delicately shoved them all back in the package, squished it as tight as I could to make it zip closed, and called it a day. It could have been a whole lot worse...she could have run down the hall saying "meh woom dahp," which would have meant she'd found a way to get the Diaper Genie open and remove all the nasty "dahps" from it. So I'm choosing to count my blessings!


Gem N. said...

thats my girl

Shannon said...

Been there done that! Bella did wipes, Abbey did it with a WHOLE box of kleenx...and don't think for a moment she left out the necessary part of tearing the majority of them into even smaller pieces. But yes, count your blessings. Abbey is a litle nudist and I am just awaiting the day she decides to exercise her style of independence and help momma with "kaka off, me do". ew =)
Shan going to zoe?

Angie Bruce said...

Oh yeah, we did that one too...two times she decided to change her own diaper in the morning before I got to her to get her out of bed. Both times she was in hysterics by the time I got in there, sobbing "poopoo...bleh! poopoo...bleh!" That was all it took for her. It was more unpleasant all over her and all over her bed then it was contained in her diaper. Ick.

And unfortunately, no, I'm going to have to miss Zoe this year. We figure it's probably not wise to take Kyra out of school so close to the start of it and screw up the routine. =( Steven will be there though. You going?

Nicole said...

haha... at least you won't be alarmed when little pieces of rug fuzz and random hair show up after wiping her bottom:)

Too funny... there definitely could have been a lot worse things she could have gotten into. Were they lavender scented? I LOVE that kind:)

LOVE ya and miss you!

Angie Bruce said...

Yes, actually they were...Huggies Lavender and Chamomile...maybe that's why she emptied the whole thing...she was smelling them all. =)

Nicole said...

Okay, that is too funny... They really do smell soooo good. I sometimes will swipe them over toys and counter tops b/c the smell is so calming. Maybe that's it.. she needed some aromatherapy! Hmmmmm.. maybe I should start sniffing the box when chaos breaks out around here... Your sweet baby may be onto something:)