Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Kyra officially lost her first tooth today. It's been hanging on by a thread for over a week now and I haven't had the stomach to just yank the thing out. Fortunately, it came out today while she was eating a snack at VBS. UNfortunately, she did not recognize it as her tooth, only as an annoyance getting in the way of her otherwise tasty snack, and threw it away.


Nicole said...

NO WAY! Kyra, you are adoreable!!! Are you really turning 5 in a few weeks??? Ange, weren't we just pregnant with them??? AUGH! Thanks for sharing this VERY big and cute milestone! love ya and miss you!

Arlene Kasselman said...

Wow Kyra, that is incredible. I can not believe you have already lost a tooth!