Monday, February 12, 2007


After we read our Bible story with Kyra last night, one of the questions in our book was 'How do you talk to God?' Of course, the first thing she said was prayer. Then she came out with, 'Or we can call him on the phone!" Steven and I chuckled and said, "You can call God on the phone?" Kyra responded, "Well, yeah, we could if we had his number."

1 comment:

Dana said...

God is as real to Kyra as Nana and Papa. It's too bad all of us don't think of him as that real and that close that if we just knew his phone number we could call him anytime we want. You've got to love those out of the mouths of babes moments!

Give both girls a big hug and kisses from their Nana.

Love you,